European Conference on Amateur Radio Astronomy (EUCARA 2018)
Astropeiler Stockert hosted the 3rd EUCARA on September 15th and 16th, 2018. With 59 participants from eight countries it was the largest conference so far. Eleven talks were given by attendants, and the keynote speech was delivered by Prof. Michael Kramer, Director of the Max-Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy. Both mornings were devoted to these presentations.
In the afternoon of the 15th, a visit to the Effelsberg telescope was organized, and on the afternoon of the 16th various demonstrations were presented by the Astropeiler team on their telescopes. A special display was devoted to the various options to observe the spectrum of neutral Hydrogen in our galaxy.
Coffee breaks, lunch and the conference dinner gave opportunity to exchange views and experiences, to make new friends and meet old friends again.